Our Infrastructure
People who feel great about themselves and their surrounding, produce great results. We like what we do and often have fun at work but at the same time, we are very serious about our work ethics and client expectations. Our Infrastructure allows us to be able to spend more productive working hours and seamlessly connect with our clients across the globe.
Development Infrastructure
At The App Development Company, we have people building apps that would be used by millions of users. It becomes very important that the development is carried out on latest devices. We use latest Macbooks, Mac Mini, iPads, iPhones for the development and testing of iOS apps. We use the latest version of XCODE and latest SDKs that will not depreciate anytime soon. For Android development, we use Android Studio as the IDE. Our Development machines are all powered by the latest Intel processors and are all i5 or better. All the developers are provided with a handful of testing devices of different screen sizes so that they can unit test the apps to a certain level by themselves.
Testing Infrastructure
When you build apps that are going to be used by millions of users, you can not just test it on 3-4 devices and be sure that it’s ready for the launch. At The App Development Company, we practice the strictest and the most rigorous testing practices. These practices need a certain infrastructure to be implemented. We have more than 30 devices to test the apps manually but we do not stop there. We use device farms that test the apps across thousands of devices for compatibility. Any crash is recorded by the Crash analytics so that it can be easily resolved.
Project Management Infrastructure
Being an App Development Company, TADC is not just about world class hardware and offices that it uses but the sophisticated software stack that serves as the backbone of the entire project management cycle. A great Project Management team with the right software stack is often the key ingredient in the recipe of success. Our team uses Asana to track projects, YouTrack to manage tasks and estimations and BugZilla to manage bug reports. Everything is compiled into weekly reports and discussed on every Monday during the Sprint meeting.
Code Security and Deployment
At The App Development Company, we take code security very seriously. Each developer has to work on version control systems. We use tools such as GIT and Bitbucket. For deployment of the backend, we use the latest Amazon web services including EC2 instances, elastic load balancers, S3 Bucket, Route 53, CDN etc. We use different servers for production and staging. Only the Team leads have the access to the production server and the Master branches of codes. Rest all the developers work on their respective repositories.
Dedicated Connectivity and Backup Lines
Our offices are in premium locations, equipped with great IT infrastructure. We have 5 Mbps dedicated leased lines and 2 backup connections, SIP phones, Video conferencing rooms to interact with clients all across the globe. Our Conference rooms where we do project sprint meetings are equipped LCD screens and other necessary presentation hardware. Our team has more than 30 mobile devices to test the applications on. All the developers have great system configurations so that development speed can be at its peak.